Färdig målat!

Nu är min skänk färdig målad, nya knoppar och även nya små ben. Jag var inte speciellt förtjust i de låga knubbiga orginal benen som inte gick att dammsuga under.


Nu är den på plats i "lilla rummet" och den gamla Billy hyllan har åkt ut.

Billy har gjort sitt)

(På plats...)

Jag är jättenöjd. Ska bara "stajla" till det bättre. Idag hamnade bara Linas kandelaber där.

Har rensat och röjt, slängt massor.

Nu blir det kvällsgott med jordgubbar, grädde framför fotboll (England-Slovakien) på tvn. 
Egenodlade jordgubbar - lyxigt värre!



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п»їAttention! Do not Buy Penis Enlargement Bible Till You Have Understand This Particular Penis Benefit Evaluation!
If you are on this website, chances are you’ve heard of Penis Enlargement Bible. Is PE Bible A Scam? This is the question I’m sure everyone asks themselves after visiting their website, just as I did.
You can never really tell if the testimonials on the website are real or not. Anyone can make up testimonials to try to suck you into ordering. And yes, a lot of people order on the basis of testimonials alone.
Chances are you’ve found this site by searching Penis Enlargement Bible, Penis Enlargement Bible scam, or Penis Enlargement Bible review and chances are you’re looking for answers, the truth, and clarification. I’m going to give it to you. Read on to find out more about my shocking experience with Penis Enlargement Bible..
This was all VERY embarassing for me, but I found relief when I thought to myself, “It’s not like anyone’s going to see it anyway”. But still, considering my penis was only almost as long as my thumb when erect, it was hard to masturbate and get any real pleasure. Now you might be thinking “that’s disgusting”, but I know you masturbate too. I couldn’t get any pleasure because I could barely stroke my penis. My penis was so small that it was hard to actually get a hold of it with my hand. Then I thought, what if I tried masturbating a different way!
This is how I was masturbating before..
I just basically grabbed my penis in the same way as the picture above and pulled it up and down. That was the only way I could get any pleasure at the time. It was so frustrating though, even though it gave me pleasure, I was frustrated at the fact that I had to resort to masturbating like that because my penis was too small for me to masturbate “normally”.
I was relieved to know one thing though..
Although my penis was really small before, I was happy that at least it wasn’t small enough, to the point where I would end up peeing on my balls every time I’d go to the toilet. If you’re wondering, it IS possible for someone’s penis to be that small.
I spent the whole night researching on penis enlargement bible programs, searching Google for terms like natural penis enlargement, how to get a bigger penis, bigger penis without pills, and many others. When I first dabbled into penis enlargement, I knew I wasn’t going to resort to any penis enlargement pills. It just didn’t seem right. If you just think about it, can you really trust a PILL to enlarge your penis. I’ve always thought of pills to be nothing but scams, so I never bothered looking them up.
After a few hours of searching, I found a site that had reviews of the top 5 penis enlargement sites. Penis Enlargement Bible was rated #1 on the site. I looked through the site and was convinced enough to want to buy. There was a 60 day money back guarantee, so I thought why not? I paid through PayPal and was taken to the members area right after I paid, and that’s pretty much where my “journey” began..
My Results with Penis Enlargement Bible
Now I knew that Penis Enlargement Bible was a program of penis enlargement exercises, but I never actually gave much thought about this. The first thing I thought before I started was “where the hell am I going to do these exercises?” I like with my parents and two sisters in an apartment that’s considerably small, and I knew I didn’t want anyone to see or catch me doing these “exercises”, so I did them right after I took a shower. I guess that’s the best time to do them anyway, so might as well. I’m hoping no one noticed how long I took in the shower, because I left the cold water running to make it seem like I was still taking a shower, but in actual fact I was doing the first few exercises outlined in the Penis Enlargement Bible members area.

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The levels can be customized through multiple programs and software, which are absolutely free to use and one can be proficient in it by watching different tutorials. Most people think that Counter Strike CZ came with thousands of levels but the statement is that it came only with some beginner maps but over time the gamers created some new distinct maps on the Valve Hammer platform which the users have been installing them via various websites.

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